What is “GitHub Actions “🚀

Jiyan Patil
2 min readNov 26, 2022


Welcome to “Hello GitHub Actions”! 👋

GitHub Actions is a flexible way to automate nearly every aspect of your team’s software workflow. You can automate testing, continuously deploy, review code, manage issues and pull requests, and much more. The best part, these workflows are stored as code in your repository and easily shared and reused across teams. To learn more, check out these resources:

The GitHub Actions feature page, see GitHub Actions.

The “GitHub Actions” user documentation, see GitHub Actions.

What is a workflow?:

A workflow is a configurable automated process that will run one or more jobs. Workflows are defined in special files in the .github/workflows directory and they execute based on your chosen event. For this exercise, we'll use a pull_request event.

To read more about workflows, jobs, and events, see “Understanding GitHub Actions”.

If you want to learn more about the pull_request event before using it, see "pull_request".

Create a workflow file💽

  1. Open a new browser tab, and navigate to this same repository. Then, work on the steps in your second tab while you read the instructions in this tab.
  2. Navigate to the Code tab.
  3. From the main branch dropdown, click on the welcome-workflow branch.
  4. Navigate to the .github/workflows/ folder, then select Add file and click on Create new file.
  5. In the Name your file… field, enter welcome.yml.
  6. Add the following content to the welcome.yml file
name: Post welcome comment
types: [opened]
  • To commit your changes, click Commit new file.
  • Wait about 20 seconds for actions to run, then refresh this page (the one you’re following instructions from) and an action will automatically close this step and open the next one.
Not a action page of workflow discussed above in the blog (Just for the reference)

Thank You!!

