Tutorial: Adding Holopin badges to your GitHub profile

Jiyan Patil
2 min readNov 12, 2022


You probably use a code sharing site like GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket to showcase your l33t coding skills, and act as a portfolio of the sort of things you work on, but it’s probably looking a bit text-heavy?

Markdown + Holopin = 💖

Markdown is a markup language that lets you write documents with rich formatting like headings,
bullet lists, tables, bold, underline and italic text but in a way that’s easy to type (no angle brackets and keywords like in HTML), fits in a completely plain text file and still looks readable even as plain text. For example, you can do things like this:

# This is a heading
This is some **bold** text, and some _italics_, and this is **really** important. Markdown is1. Easy to type
2. Plain text
3. Readable

Step 1: Create a personal README on GitHub

Jump onto your GitHub account, and hop to your profile. If you’ve not got a personal README, you'll need to create one. Use the + symbol and choose New repository:

Step 2: Customize your Holopin board 🪄

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to create a Holopin account. Hop over to holopin.io to get started (I hear there’s early bird badges available if you’re quick too 👀).

Once you’ve got your Holopin account, head to your profile and add your badges from the inventory:

Step 3: Add your Holopin board to your GitHub profile

This is where the Markdown comes into action. That link looks like this, and you can find it at the bottom of your board:

[![@jiyanpatil07's Holopin board](https://holopin.me/jiyanpatil07)](https://holopin.io/@jiyanpatil07)

