Timed Automata in TOC and its applications

Jiyan Patil
10 min readFeb 9, 2023


What is Automata

Automata theory has a strong connection to the study of formal languages. In this field, automata are utilized as finite representations of formal languages that may potentially be infinite. Automata can be categorized based on their ability to recognize various classes of formal languages, as demonstrated by the Chomsky hierarchy, which illustrates the nested relationship between major types of automata. Automata play a crucial role in areas such as the theory of computation, compiler design, artificial intelligence, language parsing, and formal verification.

Variant definitions of automata

There are several variants of timed automata, which are extensions or variations of the basic model to handle more complex or specialized scenarios. Some of the most common variants include:

Real world appliation Automata

· Real world appliation automata are timed automata that consider both the state of the system and the timing of events. They are used to model systems with real world appliation constraints, such as those in embedded systems or control systems.

Probabilistic Timed Automata (PTA)

· PTAs are timed automata that incorporate probability into the model, allowing for uncertainty in both the state of the system and the timing of events. They are used to model systems where the behavior is probabilistic, such as in communication networks.

Hybrid Automata

· Hybrid automata are a combination of timed automata and differential equations, which allow for the modeling of continuous as well as discrete dynamics. They are used to model systems with both continuous and discrete behavior, such as in control systems.

Real world appliation Timed Automata (RTTA):

· RTTAs are timed automata that incorporate additional constraints on the clocks, such as lower and upper bounds, and constraints on the rate of change of clocks. They are used to model systems with more complex real world appliation constraints, such as in control systems.

These are just a few of the many variants of timed automata, each of which is tailored to specific application domains and types of systems. By leveraging the flexibility and expressiveness of timed automata, researchers and practitioners can build models that accurately capture the behavior and requirements of real-world systems.

Timed Automata: A Computational Model for Real world appliation Systems

Timed Automata: A Mathematical Model for Real-world application

Real-world application are ubiquitous in today’s world and play a crucial role in various domains, such as transportation, healthcare, defense, and entertainment. Real time machine models/application must meet specified timing constraints in addition to functional requirements. This requires a mathematical model that can capture both discrete and continuous behavior. Timed automata are such a model, and they provide a powerful tool for modeling and verifying real world appliation systems.

In this blog, we will introduce the theory of timed automata, describe how they are derived, and discuss their use in real-world applications.

What are Timed Automata?

A Timed Automaton is a type of finite automaton that has been augmented with clocks. These clocks serve as variables that track the progression of time and can be reset, compared, and used to express timing restrictions. The structure of a Timed Automaton is defined as a 5-tuple (Q, q0, Σ, E, F), which includes:

· Q is a finite set of states.

· q0 is the initial state.

· Σ is a finite set of symbols representing the input alphabet.

· The set of transitions, represented by E, is finite and consists of tuples in the form of (q, Σ, q’, c). Here, q and q’ represent states, Σ signifies an input symbol, and c represents a constraint imposed on the clocks.

· A set of states, designated as F, is recognized as the accepting states in the system.

Timed automata are a type of finite automata that incorporate time into their functioning. This allows them to handle timing restrictions between actions. The study of timed automata poses both linguistic and verification challenges and requires the use of formal methods. The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the timed automata model and the various techniques used for its analysis.

The actions and workings of a Timed Automaton are described as sequence of transitions between states, where each transition is triggered by an input symbol and subject to a timing constraint. The timing constraint is a comparison between the value of one or more clocks and a constant. For example, the constraint x ≤ 10 represents the requirement that the value of the clock x must be less than or equal to 10.

A automation of timed machines automata is a mathematical model for the behavior of real world appliation systems. It consists of a finite state machine augmented with clocks. The states represent the different modes of operation of the system, and the clocks represent the time that has passed.

Formal definition

Deriving Timed Automata

Timed automata were introduced by Alur and Dill in 1993, and they have since become a famous model for real world machine. The derivation follows the principle of finite autoamta and context free language

Automata theory is the study of abstract models for computations, and it provides a foundation for the derivation of timed automata. An automaton is a mathematical model for a system that can be in one of a finite number of states and that can transition from one state to another based on inputs. Automata can be classified into several types, including finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines, depending on the type of memory they have.

The timed automaton for this system can be described as follows:

· Q = {open, closed}

· q0 = closed

· Σ = {true, false}

· E = {(closed, true, open, x = 0), (open, false, closed, x’ = x)}

· F = {closed}

In this example, the transitions are triggered by the input symbols “true” and “false”, and the timing constraint is a comparison between the value of the clock x and the constant 0. The constraint x = 0 represents the requirement that the clock must be reset every time the system transitions from “closed” to “open”. The set of accepting states F is {closed}, which means that the system is considered to be in a valid state when it is in the “closed” state.

In timed automata, clocks are used to represent the passage of time. The value of a clock can be any real number, and it can be manipulated using clock operations. The most common clock operations include:

· Resetting a clock: A clock can be reset to a specific value using the reset operation, typically represented as x = c, where x is the clock variable and c is a constant. For example, x = 0 clock will be set to 0.

· Comparison: Clocks can be compared to constants or other clocks using comparison operations such as <, >, =, <=, >=. For example, x > 0 checks if the clock is x is larger by 0.

· Addition and subtraction: Clocks can be added and subtracted from each other or from constants using operations such as +, -. For example, x + 5 represents the value of the clock x increased by 5.

These clock operations can be used to specify timing constraints in timed automata. For example, a transition from state q1 to state q2 can be enabled if the value of clock x is larger than 0 and less than 10, and if y = 0. This can be expressed using the constraint x > 0 ∧ x < 10 ∧ y = 0.

A path in A is a finite order of consecutive state transitions:

An automaton is considered to have an accepted path if it begins in an initial state designated as q0 and ends in a final state designated as qp. This is referred to as a “run” of the automaton along a specific path, represented by a sequence in the form:

The time sequence τ is represented by (ti)1≤i≤p, and the clock valuations are denoted by (vi)1≤i≤p. These two elements form the basis for determining the run of the automaton along a specific path.

The label of a run along a path P is referred to as a timed word, denoted as w = (a1, t1)…(ap, tp). If the path P is accepted, then this timed word is considered to be accepted by the automaton A. The collection of all accepted timed words by A is represented as Lt(A).

It is important to note that in this context, only finite paths and timed words with a limited number of actions are considered. However, more general acceptance conditions such as Buchi or Muller can also be taken into account.

Applications of Timed Automata:


UPPAAL is suite for modeling, verification, and synthesis of real world appliation systems. It is based on the principle of timed automata and provides a graphical user interface for designing and analyzing systems modeled as timed automata.

The system in question is comprised of a network of Timed Automata (TA), which includes both a controller and an environment. The controller outlines the behavior that is to be tested, while the environment encompasses the elements surrounding the controller. This tool employs a query language to determine which TA should be used to generate the tests.

Model Specification of UPPAAL

UPPAAL is a model specification language and verification tool for real world appliation systems based on timed automata. In UPPAAL, a system is modeled as a collection of parallel processes, each of which is described as a timed automaton.

The model specification in UPPAAL consists of the following elements:

1. Types: UPPAAL supports a variety of data types, including integer, boolean, and clock variables.

2. Variables:

Variables are used to represent the state of the system, and can be declared and initialized in the model specification.

3. Functions:

Functions provide a way to encapsulate complex behavior and can be used to model operations such as computation and communication.

4. Templates:

Templates are the building blocks of UPPAAL models and define the structure of individual processes. Each template consists of a set of locations, transitions, and invariants. Locations represent the different modes of operation of the process, transitions describe the behavior of the process, and invariants specify conditions that must hold at all times.

5. System:

The system is defined as a collection of templates and specifies the relationships between the processes. The system is also where channels and shared variables can be declared and used to model communication and coordination between processes.

The following are some of the key characteristics of UPPAAL:

  1. Real world appliation verification: UPPAAL supports verification of real world appliation systems modeled as timed automata, including the analysis of temporal properties, such as reachability, liveness, and safety, as well as functional requirements.

2.Model checking: UPPAAL provides an efficient model checking algorithm for verifying properties of timed automata. The model checking algorithm can handle large and complex models, and can handle both deterministic and non-deterministic systems.

3.Simulation: UPPAAL provides a simulation environment for testing and debugging timed automata models. The simulation environment provides a visual representation of the system behavior and allows the user to interact with the model to obtain a better understanding of its behavior.

Modeling and verification of real world appliation systems:

Timed automata can be used to create real word systems, such as embedded systems, communication protocols, and control systems, and to verify their properties, such as temporal properties and functionalre requirements.

Performance evaluation of computer networks:

Performance evaluation of computer networks: Timed automata can be used to model the behavior of computer networks, including packet scheduling, buffer management, and flow control, and to evaluate their performance in terms of response time, throughput, and delay.

Design and analysis of hybrid systems:

Timed automata can be used to model and analyze hybrid systems, which are systems that exhibit both continuous and discrete behavior, such as automotive systems, power systems, and avionics systems.

Modeling and verification of real world appliation systems:

Modeling and verification of concurrent systems: Timed automata can be used to model concurrent systems, such as multi-threaded software and concurrent hardware, and to verify their properties, such as deadlocks, livelocks, and race conditions.

Verification of cyber-physical systems:

  1. Verification of cyber-physical systems: Timed automata can be used to verify the safety and reliability of cyber-physical systems, such as autonomous vehicles, industrial control systems, and medical devices.


The Timed Automaton model extends traditional finite automata by incorporating clocks to represent the passage of time. It is useful for modeling real-time systems, such as embedded systems and communication protocols, and can be used to verify timing requirements before implementation. Timed Automata has also had a significant impact on the theory of computation, leading to new algorithms and techniques for solving real-time problems and providing insights into formal languages and automata.

